Urgency, Extreme Discipline, and High Energy
What is a Remuda?
Any good Texan knows what a remuda is.
For the rest of the world, a remuda is a herd of horses from which ranch hands select their mounts for the day. The term originated back in the days of long cattle drives when cowboys needed ready access to fresh, trained horses. During the historic cattle drive era, each cowboy required about six horses on a cattle drive, switching the animals daily or even twice daily. Thus, the spare horses must be kept close to the cattle herd and moved along with the cattle so as to be available to riders as needed.
The word is of Spanish derivation for remount or "change of horses" or "fresh mount" and is still commonly used in the American West. The individual in charge of the remuda is generally known as a wrangler.
At Remuda Advisors, we see ourselves as financial wranglers expertly corralling and managing the requirements, vision, and demands of individuals on all sides of a challenging investment. We retain a stable of highly skilled talent available to provide support or leadership to unique situations.
We recognize that when clients hire us, they need to solve a problem. And quickly. That’s why we enter each engagement with a sense of urgency, extreme discipline, and always, high energy.
Regardless of the complexity of the challenge and individuals in it, we use sensible and creative solutions to generate the best possible outcomes for our client.